Picture © Barbara Mair
Fares Kayali (Univ.-Prof. DI Dr.) is a researcher, educator and designer living and working in Vienna, Austria. In 2018 he was appointed a full professor of digital education and learning at the Centre for Teacher Education at the University of Vienna. Earlier he worked as an assistant professor at the Human-Computer Interaction Group at the Vienna University of Technology. He is co-founder of the Positive Impact Games Lab and principal investigator of a number of projects situated at the intersection of design, people and technology. Fares holds a habilitation in didactics from the University of Applied Arts Vienna and also lectured there regularly. His research interests are situated in informatics, didactics, arts and HCI with a broad spectrum covering teacher education and digital learning, health care technology, game design and gamification, as well as music computing and interactive art. Fares has presented his work in highly regarded academic publications and international conferences such as CHI, CHI Play, DiGRA, GDC, GLS, Ars Electronica, Games for Health, Games for Change and Entertainment Computing. His works have won or been nominated for high-profile awards such as IndieCade, the Independent Games Festival, Europrix, eAward, Games for Change, WinTec and Occursus.
Please find a PDF of my CV here: CV of Fares Kayali
Email: fares.kayali [at] univie.ac.at
Twitter: @faresk
Phone: +43 1 58801 18787
Street Address:
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Fares Kayali
University of Vienna
Centre for Teacher Education
Porzellangasse 4
1090 Vienna, Austria
F. Kayali, V. Schwarz, P. Purgathofer, G. Götzenbrucker: “Using Game Design to Teach Informatics and Society Topics in Secondary Schools”, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, Special Issue "Human Computer Interaction in Education”, 2(4), p. 77; https://doi.org/10.3390/mti2040077
F. Kayali, N. Luckner, P. Purgathofer, K. Spiel, G. Fitzpatrick: ”Design Considerations towards Long-term Engagement in Games for Health”, Proceedings of the Foundations of Digital Games FDG 2018, Malmö, Sweden, Aug 7-10 2018, ACM. Best Paper Candidate & Honorable Mention
C. Prahm, F. Kayali, E. Mörth, A. Sturma, O. Aszmann: “Smart Rehab: App-based rehabilitation training for upper extremity amputees – Case Report”, HaMiPla - Handchirurgie - Mikrochirurgie - Plastische Chirurgie. (forthcoming)
N. Luckner, F. Kayali, P. Purgathofer: “Game Mechanics to Further Engagement with Physical Activity”. In: Special Issue: Aging with ICTs in the 21st century, Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, 36 (2018).
C. Prahm, F. Kayali, I. Vujaklija, A. Sturma, O. Aszmann: “PlayBionic: Game-based interventions to encourage patient engagement and performance in prosthetic motor rehabilitation”, PM&R The journal of injury, function and rehabilitation, 10(11), pp. 1252-1260. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmrj.2018.09.027
O.Hödl, F.Kayali, G. Fitzpatrick, S.Holland: “TMAP Design Cards for Technology-mediated Audience Participation in Live Music” in “Music and Human Computer Interaction: Remixed”, T. Mudd, S. Holland, K. Wilkie, A. McPherson, M. Wanderley (eds.), Springer.
F. Kayali, O. Hödl, C. Bartmann, U. Kühn, T. Wagensommerer, R. Mateus-Berr: “Learnings from an Iterative Design Process for Technology-Mediated Audience Participation (TMAP) using Smartphones”. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies, 5(14).
K. Spiel, F. Kayali, L. Horvath, M. Penkler, S. Harrer, M. Sicart, J. Hammer, "Fitter, Happier, More Productive? The Normative Ontology of Fitness Trackers”, CHI EA '18 Proceedings of the 36th Annual ACM Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
N. Luckner, F. Kayali, P. Purgathofer, K. Werner, M. Capatu, V. Mühlegger, V. Schauer: “Technological Interventions to Increase Mobility of Older Adults with Dementia”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health, IEEE SeGAH 2018, Vienna, Austria, May 16 - 18 2018.
F. Kayali, V. Schwarz, G. Götzenbrucker, P. Purgathofer: “Sparkling Games - Die Gestaltung von Lernspielen zu Themen aus Informatik und Gesellschaft” in “Spielend lernen!”, Zielinski, W., Aßmann, S., Kaspar, K., Moormann, P. (Eds.) Schriftenreihe zur digitalen Gesellschaft NRW,, Kopaed, pp. 159-170.
K. Peters, F. Kayali, M. Silbernagl, A. Lawitschka, H. Hlavacs: "A proposed framework for the collection of health-related data from Serious Games and Apps”; International Journal of Serious Games, Special Issue on Applied Games & Accessibility, 4(2), pp. 59-73.
C. Prahm, I. Vujaklija, F. Kayali, P. Purgathofer, O. Aszmann: “Game-based Rehabilitation for Myoelectric Prosthesis Control”; JMIR Serious Games 5(1), pp. 1-13.
C. Prahm, F. Kayali, I. Vujaklija, A. Sturma, O. Aszmann, "Increasing motivation, effort and performance through game-based rehabilitation for upper limb myoelectric prosthesis control," 2017 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR2017), Montreal, QC, 2017, pp. 1-6. doi: 10.1109/ICVR.2017.8007517, Best Paper Award
F. Kayali, O. Hödl, G. Fitzpatrick, P. Purgathofer, A. Filipp, R. Mateus-Berr, U. Kühn, T. Wagensommerer, J. Kretz, S. Kirchmayr: “Playful Technology-Mediated Audience Participation in a Live Music Event”. The ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (CHI PLAY) 2017, Amsterdam, NL, Oct 15th - 18th.
O. Hödl, G. Fitzpatrick, F. Kayali, S. Holland: "Design Implications for Technology-Mediated Audience Participation in Live Music”. Sound and Music Computing 2017, Helsinki, Finland July 5th-8th.
K. Spiel, S.Bertel, F. Kayali: “Not another Z piece!" Adaptive Difficulty in TETRIS”, ACM CHI 2017, Denver, US, May 6-11 2017. ACM Honorable Mention (best 4% of submissions)
F. Kayali, N. Luckner, K. Werner, P. Purgathofer: “Ethical Considerations for Designing Technology for People with Dementia”. CHI 2017 Workshop “HCIxDementia: The Role of Technology and Design in Dementia”, Denver, US, May 6-11 2017.
F. Kayali, J. Ortner: “Level Design Practises in Independent Games” in: “Level Design: Processes and Experiences”, C. Totten (ed.). CRC Press.
F. Kayali, V. Schwarz, G. Götzenbrucker, P. Purgathofer: “Learning, Gaming, designing: Using Playful Participation to Create Learning Games together with High School Students”; Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation 3 (1).
F. Kayali, M. Silbernagl, K. Peters, R. Mateus-Berr, A. Reithofer, D. Martinek, A. Lawitschka, H. Hlavacs: “Design Considerations for a Serious Game for Children after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation”; Special Issue on “Fun and Engaging Computing Technologies for Health”, Entertainment Computing 15 (2016), pp. 57-73
H. Hlavacs, R. Wölfle, K. Peters, D. Martinek, J. Kuczwara, F. Kayali, A. Reithofer, R. Mateus-Berr, B. Brunmair, Z. Lehner, A. Lawitschka: “Usability and Fun of the INTERACCT Client” EAI International Conference on Games for WELL-being GOWELL 2016, Budapest, HU, June 14-15, 2016, 8 pages,
C. Prahm, F. Kayali, A. Sturma, O. Aszmann: “Recommendations for Games to Increase Patient Motivation During Upper Limb Amputee Rehabilitation” in: Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on NeuroRehabilitation (ICNR2016), October 18-21, 2016, Segovia, Spain, pp. 1157-1161.
F. Kayali, C. Bartmann, O. Hödl, R. Mateus-Berr, M. Pichlmair: Poème Numérique: Technology-Mediated Audience Participation (TMAP) using Smartphones and High-Frequency Sound IDs. In Proceedings of the INTETAIN 2016 8th International Conference on Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment, June 28-30 2016, Utrecht, NL. download green access version
K. Spiel, C. Frauenberger, J. Makhaeva, F. Kayali: “Talking about Myself – Playful Inquiry into an Absent Life World”. CHI 2016 Workshop on “Games as HCI Method”, San Jose, 05-07-2016 - 05-12-2016.
O. Hödl, F. Kayali, G. Fitzpatrick, S. Holland: “TMAP Design Cards for Technology-Mediated Audience Participation”. CHI 2016 Workshop on “Music and HCI”, San Jose, 05-07-2016 - 05-12-2016.
B. Franz, F. Kayali, G. Götzenbrucker, V. Schwarz, J. Pfeffer, P. Purgathofer “Internet Games: Games for Change?” in: “Immigrant Youth, Hip Hop, and Online Games: Alternative Approaches to the Inclusion of Working-Class and Second Generation Migrant Teens”, B. Franz (ed.). Lexington Books, pp. 67 - 83.
F. Kayali, V. Schwarz, G. Götzenbrucker, P. Purgathofer: “Design Principles for Social Impact Games”; eLearning Papers - The Open Education Journal, Issue 43. ISSN: 1887-1542. 12 pages.
V. Schwarz, G. Götzenbrucker, F. Kayali: “Du bist dran! Spielerisch die Welt verändern? Eine qualitative Längsschnittstudie und Spielintervention zum Thema Klassismus und Rassismus unter Wiener Jugendlichen mit ArbeiterInneneltern”; Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, Issue 4/2015, pp. 445 - 461.
R. Mateus-Berr, B. Brunmair, H. Hlavacs, F. Kayali, J. Kuczwara, et al. “Co-Designing Avatars for Children with Cancer”. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference for Design Education Researchers, Chicago (p. 1397-1417).
K. Peters, F. Kayali, A. Lawitschka, M. Silbernagl, R. Mateus-Berr, D. Martinek, H. Hlavacs, 2015: “INTERACCT: Remote Data Entry System with Game-Elements for young Leukaemia Patients” IEEE Healthcom 2015 17th International Conference on E-Health Networking, Application & Services, Boston, Oct 14-17, 2015, 6 pages,
F. Kayali, 2015: “Educating secondary school teachers in game design and game-based learning.” Perspectives on Art Education Symposium. D’Art - Austrian Center for Didactics of Art, Textile & Design, University of Applied Arts Vienna. May 28-30, 2015, pp. 59 - 65.
K. Peters, F. Kayali, A. Reithofer, R. Wölfle, R. Mateus-Berr, J. Kuczwara, Z. Lehner, A. Lawitschka, B. Brunmaier, D. Martinek, M. Silbernagl, H. Hlavacs, 2015: “Serious Game Scores as Health Condition Indicator for Cancer Patients“. MIE2015 “Digital healthcare empowering Europeans” Conference, Madrid, Spain. May 27-29 2015, pp. 892-899.
F. Kayali, K. Peters, J. Kuczwara, A. Reithofer, D. Martinek, R. Wölfle, R. Mateus-Berr, Z. Lehner, M. Silbernagl, M. Sprung, A. Lawitschka, H. Hlavacs, 2015: “Participatory Game Design for the INTERACCT Serious Game for Health “. 1st Joint International Conference on Serious Games (JCSG 2015), Huddersfield, UK. June 3-4 2015, pp. 13-25.
G. Götzenbrucker, V. Schwarz, P. Purgathofer, F. Kayali, J. Pfeffer, B. Franz: “Serious Beats: Internetnutzung und Freundschaftsstrukturen von jungen MigrantInnen in Wien”; in “Migration & Integration 4”, G. Biffl, L. Rössl (ed.); Guthmann-Peterson, Wien, 2014, ISBN: 978-3-900782-73-3, 59-64.
M. Götsch, F. Kayali, R. Mateus-Berr, T. Mikeska, K. Seirafi, 2014: Mobile Technology and Museum Education for Schools Theory, Study Results & Use Cases from the Project Art.Lector, NODEM 2014 Conference & expo “Engaging Spaces - Interpretation, Design and Digital Strategies”, Warsaw, Poland, Dec 1-3 2014, pp. 170-175.
F. Kayali, K. Peters, A. Reithofer, R. Mateus-Berr, Z. Lehner, D. Martinek, M. Sprung, M. Silbernagl, A. Lawitschka, H. Hlavacs, 2014: A Participatory Game Design Approach for Children After Cancer Treatment, ACE 2014 workshop Designing Systems for Health and Entertainment: what are we missing?, Funchal, Madeira, 11. Nov. 2014.
A. Nash, P. Purgathofer, F. Kayali: "Using Online Games in Transport: Grr-Grr-Bike Case Study”; 2014 Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.; 01-12-2014 - 01-16-2014; in: "TRB Annual Meeting Compendium of Papers", (2014), 17 pages.
G. Götzenbrucker, V. Schwarz, F. Kayali, P. Purgathofer, J. Pfeffer, B. Franz: Social play for integration. How Viennese teenagers with different ethnical backgrounds play “YourTurn! The Video Game” Pre-Conference to ECREA’s fifth European Communication Conference, ECC 2014 (Universidade Lusófona, Lisbon, Portugal), 11.11.201
E. Mosor, D. Schlager-Jaschky, F. Kayali, J. Hofstätter, T. Stamm: “Lebensnetz - Entwicklung eines Computerspiels zur Demenzprevention”; 8. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen; 23-04-2104 - 24-04-2014; in “Tagungsband des 8. Forschungsforums der österreichischen Fachhochschulen”, (2014), 5 pages.
F. Kayali, G. Wallner, S. Kriglstein, G. Bauer, D. Martinek, H. Hlavacs, P. Purgathofer, R. Wölfle.: “A Case Study of a Learning Game about the Internet.”; GameDays 2014 - 4th International Conference on Serious Games, Darmstadt; 01-04-2104 - 04-04-2014; in “Proceedings of the GameDays 2014”, Springer, (2014), 12 pages.
F. Kayali: "Playing Ball - Fan Experiences in Basketball Videogames"; in: "Sports Videogames", M. Consalvo, K. Mitgutsch, A. Stein (ed.); Routledge, New York, 2013, ISBN: 978-0-415-63755-8, 197 - 216.
F. Kayali, M. Jahrmann, B. Felderer, J. Ortner: "Persuasion and Play - Towards an Augmented Reality Exhibition Interface"; in: "Play and Prosume, Schleichende Werbung und schnelle Avantgarde", M. Jahrmann, B. Felderer (ed.); Verlag für moderne Kunst, Nürnberg, 2013, 75 - 83.
F. Kayali, N. Luckner, R. Mateus-Berr, P. Purgathofer: "Play and Artistic Exploration"; FROG 2013 Vienna Games Conference, Vienna; 09-27-2013 - 09-29-2013; in: "Context Matters! Exploring and Reframing Games in Context. Proceedings of the 7th Vienna Games Conference FROG 2013", new academic press, Wien (2013), ISBN: 978-3-7003-1864-4; 288 - 300.
F. Kayali, N. Luckner, O. Hödl, G. Fitzpatrick, P. Purgathofer, T. Stamm, D. Schlager-Jaschky, E. Mosor: "Elements of Play for Cognitive, Physical and Social Health in Older Adults"; SouthCHI International Conference on Human Factors in Computing & Informatics, Maribor; 07-01-2013 - 07-03-2013; in: "Human Factors in Computing and Informatics", Springer, (2013), ISBN: 978-3-642-39062-3; 296 - 313.
N. Luckner, F. Kayali, O. Hödl, P. Purgathofer, G. Fitzpatrick, E. Mosor, T. Stamm, D. Schlager-Jaschky: "From Research to Design - Sketching a Game to Trigger Reminiscence in Older Adults"; SouthCHI International Conference on Human Factors in Computing & Informatics, Maribor; 07-01-2013 - 07-03-2013; in: "Human Factors in Computing and Informatics", Springer, (2013), ISBN: 978-3-642-39062-3; 617 - 624.
O. Hödl, F. Kayali, G. Fitzpatrick: "Designing interactive audience participation using smart phones in a musical performance"; International Computer Music Conference 2012, Ljubeljana; 09-09-2012 - 09-14-2012; in: "Proceedings Of The International Computer Music Conference 2012", Ljubljana, Slovenia (2012), ISBN: 978-0-9845274-1-0; 236 - 242.
V. Schwarz, B. Franz, G. Götzenbrucker, F. Kayali, J. Pfeffer: "Intersections of identities in Europe´s Turkish Immigration Youth: Questions of Ethnicity, Gender, Class and New Media"; IPSA Madrid 2012, XXII World Congress of Political Science, Madrid, Spanien; 07-08-2012 - 07-12-2012; in: "Proceedings of the IPSA Madrid 2012, XXII World Congress of Political Science", (2012), 14 pages.
F. Kayali, M. Jahrmann, J. Schuh, B. Felderer: “Alternate Reality Games: Persuasion in Context”; FROG 2012 Vienna Games Conference, Vienna; 09-27-2013 - 09-29-2013; in: "Applied Playfulness. Proceedings of the 6th Vienna Games Conference FROG 2012", new academic press, Wien (2013); 253-266.
B. Franz, G. Götzenbrucker, F. Kayali, J. Pfeffer, V. Schwarz, P. Purgathofer: "Young, Female and Turkish in Europe Today: Questions of Ethnicity, Gender, Class and the New Media"; Gender, Bodies & Technology: (Dis)Integrating Frames, Roanoke, Virginia (US); 04-26-2012 - 04-28-2012; in: "Proceedings of the Gender, Bodies & Technology: (Dis)Integrating Frames", (2012), 18 pages.
B. Franz, G. Götzenbrucker, F. Kayali, J. Pfeffer, V. Schwarz, P. Purgathofer: "New Media, Hip Hop, and Young Migrants: Social Capital, Entertainment and Political Articulation of Minority Groups"; 53rd Annual International Studies Convention, San Diego, California (US); 04-01-2012 - 04-04-2012; in: "Proceedings of the 53rd Annual International Studies Convention", (2012), 17 pages.
F. Kayali, J. Schuh: "Retro Evolved: Level Design Practice exemplified by the Contemporary Retro Game"; DiGRA 2011, "Think Design Play", Conference on Play and Games, Utrecht; 09-14-2011 - 09-17-2011; in: "Proceedings of the DiGRA 2011, "Think Design Play", Conference on Play and Games", (2011), 14 pages.
F. Kayali, V. Schwarz, G. Götzenbrucker, J. Pfeffer, B. Franz, P. Purgathofer: "Serious Beats: Transdisciplinary research methodologies for designing and evaluating a socially integrative serious music-based online game"; DiGRA 2011, "Think Design Play", Conference on Play and Games, Utrecht; 09-14-2011 - 09-17-2011; in: "Proceedings of the DiGRA 2011, "Think Design Play", Conference on Play and Games", (2011), 19 pages.
F. Kayali: “Pure Hardcore - wipEout HD and current game design”; Eludamos - Journal for Computer Game Culture (2009), Vol. 3 Issue 1; 103-106.
F. Kayali, P. Purgathofer: "Two Halves of Play"; Eludamos - Journal for Computer Game Culture (2008), Vol. 2 Issue 1; 105-127.
F. Kayali, M. Pichlmair: "Playing Music and Playing Games - Simulation vs. Gameplay in Music-based Games";
F.R.O.G. - Vienna Games Conference 2008, Vienna; 10-17-2008 - 10-19-2008; in: "F.R.O.G. - Vienna Games Conference", Phaidra, Universität Wien, Vienna (2008), 12 pages.
M. Pichlmair, F. Kayali: "Intentions, Expectations and the Player"; the [player] conference, Copenhagen; 08-26-2008 - 08-29-2008; in: "Proceedings - the [player] conference", IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (2008), ISBN: 978-87-7949-182-3; 220 - 242.
F. Kayali, M. Pichlmair, P. Kotik: "Mobile Tangible Interfaces as Gestural Instruments"; Mobile Music Workshop, Vienna; 05-13-2008 - 05-15-2008; in: "Creative Interactions - The MobileMusicWorkshop 2004 - 2008", University of Applied Arts, Vienna (2008), ISBN: 978-3-200-0-1221-9; 38 - 40.
M. Pichlmair, F. Kayali: "Levels of Sound: On the Principles of Interactivity in Music Video Games";
DIGRA 2007: Situated Play, Tokyo, Japan; 09-24-2007 - 09-28-2007; in: "Situated Play: Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Digital Games Research Association DiGRA 2007", A. Baba (ed.); (2007), 424 - 430.