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collaborative work in online book-like documents


collaborative work in online book-like documents

Compared to online systems for collaborative authoring like the google office suite or miro, collaborative annotations of and communication about online documents is still quite underdeveloped. Medium tries to do a some highlight-sharing and inline annotation stuff which is certainly interesting, but maybe there is more.

If we consider reading documents not as a passive consumption of text, but an active process of structuring, organization and annotation (like it would be i a learning context), even more possibilities open up.

This master thesis for one or two candidates tries to develop a prototype of a system where readers collaboratively work with a given document with the goal to not only understand it, but enhance it with eg. current events, connotations, crosslinks to other materials, links into the internet etc.

Ultimately, the goal is to create an environment where the barriers between the roles of teachers and students get torn down, and both groups can benefit from each other.


A conversational mastodon client


A conversational mastodon client

Mastodon is a federated platform inspired by twitter (maybe). it is open source, open data format, and more or less surveillance free. Because this approach, conversations are more civil and often much more interesting than on big-tech-owned social media platforms. Unfortunately, current Mastodon clients make it hard to participate in these conversations, as they are shown as long linear lists, while they are often hierarchical.

The goal of this bachelor thesis project for a small team, or master thesis for one student is to design, implement and evaluate an iPad client based on a discourse visualization developed for the reddit client biscuit for reddit ca. 10 years ago (also in the course of a master thesis). The design has to be adapted to the unique affordances of Mastodon. Necessary hardware (iPad etc.) can be supplied by us.

If successful, the app can be maintained as a shared (commercial) project beyond the scope of the thesis.


refactoring of computational thinking »labs«


refactoring of computational thinking »labs«

in einem projekt sind mehrere »computational thinking labs« entstanden (beispiel). in diesen labs können unterschiedliche probleme des computational thinking eigenständig erarbeitet und ausprobiert werden.

einige dieser labs sind im rahmen mehrerer bachelorarbeiten entstanden und sind entsprechend verschieden. im rahmen dieser bezahlten bachelor- oder projektarbeit sollen die labs visuell, funktionell und technisch vereinheitlicht werden. die materialien und vorgaben werden von uns zur verfügung gestellt.


moderated online topic/question-collection


moderated online topic/question-collection

In Denkweisen der Informatik (ways of thinking in informatics), a unique first-semester course for all informatics bachelor students at TU Wien, we organized (more or less) weekly panel discussions where experts of the respective fields answer and discuss the students’ questions. To collect the questions, we use the Q&A-Tool of the zoom webinar format.

While this is readily available, it has some serious drawbacks, eg. questions can only be submitted once the webinar has started, while it would be helpful if students could post questions whenever they have them.

The goal of this master thesis project is to design and implement a little platform (probably using django) that mirrors the possibilities of the Zoom Q&A-tool and extends them in the direction we need it. There are some role models, like mentimeter, mukana or the old best and worst of informatics tool we used when Aurora was still around, but basically this should be designed from ground up along the necessities of its intended use.


reference verification


reference verification

with chatGPT and all the other future systems, a new problem in the evaluation of (not only) student’ work has emerged: the verification of references. chatGPT is known for fabricating references that look real but do not exist. a system that goes through a text, extracts all the references (usually collected in footnotes or in a list of references at the end, but sometimes inline) and verifies that these references actually exist seems like an easy task. .

when looking at the problem from a computational point of view, verifying an reference (especially in the light of different formats and standards) is not a trivial thing. even parsing the title and author(s) from such a reference can be a hard problem to solve, but algorithmically asserting that it is an actual reference is quite a challenge.

if well done, such a system can also be used to in verify web pages that all the linked material still exists and points to the right pages.

with all these requriements, creating such a system sounds like a really good challenge for a bachelor project + »bachelorarbeit«.


slideBooks, take 3


slideBooks, take 3

A format to translate lecture slides into a semi-booklike format has been developed and refined over the recent years. An example can be seen here:

Slidebooks are created using a convoluted pipeline of processing steps, from the creation of slides in Apple Keynote, the annotation of these slides using the »presenter notes« functionality in Keynote, the extraction of all content from Keynote using AppleScript, ImageMagick and curl and the encoding into a text-only format, to a python script that creates an HTML + javascript-file that can then be uploaded to a web server.

This pipeline is not only relatively slow, unreliable and error-prone, it is also a nightmare to maintain and update. The goal of this master thesis for one person is to take everything that has been learned so far, completely rethink the process and create a »service« that makes it easy to create slideBooks.

In addition, new elements for SlideBooks that enhance the interactivity (like quizzes, crosslinks between slidebooks, gameful elements) should be devised, designed and prototyped or implemented.


the role of chatGPT in teaching and learning


the role of chatGPT in teaching and learning

ChatGPT has created a conundrum for teachers everywhere. Simple »text production« tasks are endangered by the glorious »stochastic parroting« qualities of chatGPT, and asking students/pupils to summarize something will soon be a completely useless assignment.

So discussions, how this can be avoided/mitigated/used productively have sprung up everywhere. Some US school districts are banning chatGPT, detection tools are being developed, and others try to find productive uses of the system in classes - and this is just a short overview over some reactions. As chatGPT can also produce quite competent code, these problems affect not only text-centered assignments, but also introductory coding or engineering classes.

In this bachelor thesis (in german or english language) for one or two students, the goal is to gain an overview over the current discussion, and develop mitigation strategies for first-semester university courses with 500+ students (like we have at TU Wien), especially in informatics-programs


location-based teaching and learning


location-based teaching and learning

smart phones are amazing collections of sensor technologies. can these sensors, especially location, orientation and maybe the camera be used to facilitate new forms of teaching and learning in the course »ways of thinking in informatics« (denkweisen der informatik).

the goal of this bachelor or master thesis is to find a simple and easy to adapt strategie that can be used to create »distribued« learning units. this includes looking at existing approaches like educaching, QR rallys or hybrid scavenger hunts,, designing and implementing elements of an approach that is easy to maintain and fill with content, and evaluate those elements with students in the context of a large first-year informatics course.


on technology of cory doctorow novels


on technology of cory doctorow novels

cory doctorow is an science fiction/tech fiction author creating books in amazing frequency. some of his books are set in a near future where the technologies seem absolutely realistic or at least almost possible. this diploma thesis will explores how realistic those the technologies really are? using some of his works as a starting point (esp. the trilogy little brother, homeland and attack surface as well as walkaway and the novella-collection radicalized) the work should examine how much of the technology described in a »near future« settings are attainable or available today. if they don’t exist, could they be implemented/created? should they exist? the work should pose and answer technological, ethical and political questions regarding the concepts of his books. ideally, a particularily interesting technology is implemented in a prototypical way.


automation of spoken quotes with progress indicator


automation of spoken quotes with progress indicator

zitate werden in videos gerne mit einer anderen stimme vorgetragen, also nicht von der bzw. vom vortragenden, sondern von einer passenden anderen stimme. zwei beispiele dafür finden sich in einem video von jan böhmermanns ZDF magazin royale vom 27.5.2002:



leider gibt es keine software (konkret für macOS), mit der man das visuell anspruchsvoll, aber auch einigermaßen einfach automatisiert als video produzieren kann. dabei sind die requirements hier wirklich klar definiert.

im rahmen einer bachelorarbeit für eine oder zwei personen soll eine software auf macOS implementiert werden, mit der das einfach möglich gemacht werden soll. neben der einfachen bedienung und dem export als video steht dabei die qualität des gesprochenen texts im vordergrund. dafür sollen existierende services mit hervorragender qualität (zb. von amazon oder google) genutzt werden. entsprechend ist eine evaluierung dieser services (qualität, kosten, verfügbarkeit) teil der bachelorarbeit.

ein wesentliches element der software ist weiters, dass man das erscheinungsbild des textes detailliert definieren kann, um den visuellen anforderungen der videoproduktion gerecht werden zu können. über eine mögliche kommerzielle verwertung kann gerne auch nachgedacht werden.


guess the publication date!

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guess the publication date!

scientific publications can often be placed in time (i.e. their publication date) from reading the title. The theory of relativity was obviously published at the start of the 20th century; On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres was published long before the scientific revolution; and Computing Machinery and Intelligence (»machinery«?) came out at a time when computers more often than not were still people, not things.

the goal of this bachelor project for one person is to implement a little (smart phone or web based) game where people guess the year in which famous texts were written – maybe taken from sources like this or this – and be assigned a score for how close they got. weekly challenges – this week: number theory – could be announced automatically, resulting in a new score table every week.

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future of scientific publishing


future of scientific publishing

since the beginning of the scientific revolution, the publication of information – insights, knowledge, theories, etc. – was one of the main driving forces of science. it can be argued that the scientific revolution was fuelled by a rebellion of newton’s contemporaries against secrecy and private profiteering as much as a different way of thinking.

for centuries, the format of the printed scientific article has been refined into a number of different standardised layouts (dependent eg. on the branch of science, or the publishing medium) and conventions (eg. for citations, or for the order of authors. then, the internet came along and, over night, made that all obsolete — only that it didn’t. scientific publishing is still defined by the format of the printed paper, creating a number of problems in the digital.

it is time to rethink scientific publishing formats.

in a digital-first publication format, references could not only refer to other work, they could refer to the very sentences and words of a quoted article; the multitude of reading devices, from smart phones to 4k screens and beyond, deserve optimised presentations of text and images depending on the strengths of each screen; printed versions could flow into the various standard paper sizes; and since scientific work often gets refined, revised, and discussed, we could even think about ways to reflect this in a new format.

the goal of this diploma thesis (and beyond?) is to define a new standard digital-first scientific publication format, based on the affordances and strength of digital media on one hand, and on the needs and ideas of scientific writers. previous attempts to do this should be documented. also, a renderer for LaTeX (or similar) should be implemented that translates written work into this new format.


many devices, one microphone


many devices, one microphone

the goal of this bachelor or master thesis for one or more students is to explore the field of distributed microphones.

as the pandemic has shown, picking up audio from a room full of people (eg. for hybrid meetings) is quite a challenge. room microphones only work properly in rooms that have good audio in the first place (eg. no reverb) which often cannot be guaranteed. a promising approach to solve this problem is to use the many network-connected devices already present in a room full of people in order to create a singular audio-stream (for transmission and/or recording) that could potentially be of much higher quality than any other solution.

one or more prototypes of such a solution should be implemented and tested, based on different approaches of control (automatic control vs. user-control, push-to-talk vs. »throw the ball«, etc).


teaspoon languages


teaspoon languages

»teaspoon languages« are a new concept to embed computational thinking into various of school subjects. a teaspoon language is a very constrained programming language (in the broadest sense) that can be learned within 10 or 15 minutes. it facilitates experimentation in a topic in a specific domain. by using a teaspoon languages, students (or pupils) can learn something interesting about the domain by applying aspects of computational thinking such as iterative improvement.

the task in this master thesis is to explore the topic of teaspoon languages together with school teachers and/or pedagogy students. possible goals for this thesis include a framework for future work in this area, successful experiments (design, prototyp, evaluation) with teaspoon languages, or the design of a teaspoon language authoring environment.


german language capitalization


german language capitalization

i want to by able to convert the slides i use in various lectures from the current lower-case-only notation to a correct upper/lower-case style. the goal in this bachelor thesis is to develop a piece of software that checks german language text on it’s use of upper and lower case, and return a text with proper capitalization. the process should be designed to use »graceful degredation« in cases where the proper capitalization is unsure (eg. sie/Sie), for example by not only correcting the use of upper/lower case in all unambiguous cases, but also returning a list of ambiguous cases that can be checked manually.

the software will be used predominantly to convert Keynote slides on macOS, so compatibility has to be considered. a MacBook can be provided for the duration of the work.


Software Disaster Register


Software Disaster Register

In this bachelor thesis for a group of students, a collection of software induced disasters should be documented in a structured and systematic way. We (Alex Egyed/JKU Linz, Peter Purgathofer/TU Wien) have a list of anecdotes and stories we collected during our professional life. Those anecdotes should be collected, expanded and corrected – they are anecdotes after all – through literature research, interviews etc. and organised as a publicly available database of some kind.


Evaluating consumer-grade 3D scanners


Evaluating consumer-grade 3D scanners

For a year now, some iPhones and iPads include a lidar-based 3D sensor. multiple apps have been published that use this functionality to offer 3D scanning of objects + rooms. It is however unclear what quality can be expected of the available solutions. in this bachelor thesis for 1 person, available hard- and software will be used to evaluate the various solutions and compare their strengths and weaknesses. For this, a setup has to be created that facilitates a 3D scanning process with repeatable results (handicraft experience is of advantage). Then, different 3D scanning apps should be used to scan the same materials, so that the results of scanning can be compared. Finally, the problems in the results should be analyzed to understand an undestanding of the achievable quality and the limitations. A comparison with a professional 3D scanner can be organized.


the complete journey


the complete journey is a great ressource to plan a trip through the city of vienna. unfortunately, it is lacking in some aspects for people with special needs. for example, someone with an anxiety disorder might need a list of toilets available along the way, as toilets are a welcoming place to retreat in case you need a short break. blind people might need a catalog of audible »landmarks« to find their way; elderly might need an app that tell them the way without the need to interact with an overly complcated app.. ideally, such an app should be able to describe the way from A to B for all groups, for people with all kinds of typical or special needs.

this bachelor- or masterthesis should take the first steps in the creation of such an app. this starts with the collection of the needs of all kinds of people - i will provide the necessary contacts; the exploration of possible designs; the creation of prototypes (paper, wireframe, vertical, etc.) on various levels; the identification of the proper technology (web? mobile app? tablet app? public screen?); the implementation of a first prototype – how far this project gets will depend on the type of work (bachelor, master) and number of people are involved.
