just a quick update on the situation on the courses that have not been offered yet:

  • i’m in the progress of assembling a team that will be offering »free and open technologies« in fall 2019. there is even a backup plan in place, so that you can count on »free and open technologies« being offered in october 2019.

  • »foundations of ubicom and IoT« will be covered if and when the current process of finding a professor for ubiquitous computing can be completed successfully. as the process is confidential, i don’t know too much myself, but there are signs that towards the end of 2019, we will actually have a professor for ubiquitous computing who will then offer this course.

if you have any further questions regarding these courses, contact the coordiantor of this master program (purg (a) igw.tuwien.ac.at) or post into the #general-channel of the »Beyond the Desktop« slack.
